Illustrations for poetry book
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration for Carmen Barreiro’s article on the occasion of the international day of this disease, which mainly affects children under 5 years of age. The disease causes swelling in the walls of blood vessels and can lead to high fever, swollen hands and feet, peeling skin, and red eyes and tongue. However, Kawasaki disease is usually treatable, and most children recover without serious problems if treated within 10 days of onset.
Ilustración para el artículo de Carmen Barreiro con motivo del día internacional de la enfermedad de Kawasaki. Esta enfermedad afecta sobre todo a menores de 5 años, que sufren la hinchazón en las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos y puede ocasionarles fiebre alta, manos y pies hinchados, descamación de la piel y ojos y lengua rojos. Sin embargo, la enfermedad de Kawasaki suele ser tratable y la mayoría de los niños se recupera sin presentar problemas graves, en caso de recibir tratamiento en los 10 días posteriores a la aparición.
Illustrations for poetry book
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Mural intervention at Fnac
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Illustration for El Correo
Mural painting at Cruïlla Festival, Barcelona
Mural intervention in electric boxes, Lugo
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Mural painting at high and elementary schools
Illustration for El Correo
Mural painting for elementary school
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration published for El Correo
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration for El Correo
Illustration published in Revista Mongolia
Self-published fanzine. Available in my store
Designs for the Andalusian rock band
Illustration for El Correo
Design for the album of the Andalusian rock band La Macanca
Hobo Nata EP design